Drop-off and Pick-up
Monday through Friday, students may be dropped off beginning at 7:45am and picked up when school dismisses at 2:38pm. Tuesday school dismisses at 1:38pm.
When using the drop-off valet service, please remember to:
- Pull forward to the monitored areas
- Make sure children are ready to get out of the car
- Have students exit on the passenger side
- Please drop off students only in the drop off lane, do not use any other lanes in the parking lot to drop off students.
- Do not double park.
If you wish to park your car, please park next to the park. The courtesy you extend to the teachers and staff is very much appreciated when you park next to the park leaving the center parking lot available for school employees.
School Parking Lot
- Do not park in the handicapped parking spaces unless you have a handicap permit
- Do not create parking spaces where there are none
- Do not double park or block another car from exiting
Other Safety Guidelines
- Do not make mid-block U-turns or Y-turns around the school. It is extremely dangerous
- Instruct your children to remain in monitored areas during pick-up. Students are not allowed to walk down to West Bluff Creek Drive to be picked up
- Arrive early to ease traffic congestion
Your cooperation is appreciated!